- Popular Areas
- Ebisu,Meguro, Shirokane
- Ebisu,
- Meguro,
- Shirokane
Upscale neighborhoods best for convenient but peaceful living.
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Area Introduction
One thing in common among EBISU, MEGURO and SHIROKANE is that these neighbors have the image of "refined upscale neighborhood". Along with the tranquil environment, shopping streets and grocery stores are nearby to support your comfortable stay. EBISU will afford convenience while SHIROKANE will offer serenity. MEGURO comes in between these two neighbors, meaning residents can enjoy both shopping and peace.
MEGURO is currently under redevelopment, providing chance to enrich commercial facilities. The area will evolve into a much easier town to live in, while keeping its original role of being the entrance of upscale neighborhood. In the long run, MEGURO may be a worthy place to stay.
For families or singles wishing to stay near their offices.